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Grafic Separator

Good practices 8

Sustainable Horticulture Sector in Jordan-Tala Farms


The impacts included: 1- yielded nearly half a million of lettuce heads annually. Tala Farms is currently a viable supplier to key establishments and hotels in Amman, Irbid and Aqaba.2- Furthermore, with such massive yields and the continued ...Read more >>

Sustainable Horticulture Sector in Jordan-Tala Farms

Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
Partnerships to achieve the Goal

Grafic Separator

Publications 68

Évaluation économique de la dégradation de l’eau d’irrigation: Etude de cas: La région de Korba

Salinity is turned up to be the major problem of water resources in Tunisia. Given the magnitude of this phenomenon, including resource’s deterioration in the economic calculation becomes increasingly required. It is to internalize this ...Read more >>

Évaluation économique de la dégradation de l’eau d’irrigation: Etude de cas: La région de Korba

Responsible Consumption and Production

Grafic Separator

Legislations 9

Arrêté nº 136-96 portant création et organisation du comité de pilotage du programme de développement intégré de l'agriculture irriguée en Mauritanie


This order establishes and organizes the steering committee of the integrated development program for irrigated agriculture in Mauritania. Read more >>

Arrêté nº 136-96 portant création et organisation du comité de pilotage du programme de développement intégré de l'agriculture irriguée en Mauritanie

Life on Land
Clean Water and Sanitation