Feed by / Topics / Climate change

Climate Change

Grafic Separator

Good practices 12

Integrating legumes into cereal rotations enhances system productivity, farm income, and resilience in Mediterranean rainfed drylands


Innovation in relay intercropping of chickpeas into the existing farmer's practice of lentil production system showed it is possible to harvest two crops with the use of appropriate crops and varieties, planting techniques, and water management. This ...Read more >>

Integrating legumes into cereal rotations enhances system productivity, farm income, and resilience in Mediterranean rainfed drylands

Zero Hunger

Grafic Separator

Publications 45

Climate change and food security: risks and responses

This report serves three purposes. First, to raise awareness that climate change is already impacting the food security and nutrition of the most vulnerable, and that if action is not very quickly taken, climate change will increasingly ...Read more >>

Climate change and  food security: risks and responses

Climate Action
Zero Hunger

Grafic Separator

Legislations 1

Law No. (15) of 2020 The agreement regarding the establishment of the Global Dry Land Alliance


In this law, the Republic of Iraq ratifies an agreement regarding the establishment of the Global Alliance for Dry Lands, which is signed in the city of Doha in 15/10/2017 Read more >>

Law No. (15) of 2020 The agreement regarding the establishment of the Global Dry Land Alliance

Climate Action
Life on Land