Zero Hunger

Good practices 59
Integrating legumes into cereal rotations enhances system productivity, farm income, and resilience in Mediterranean rainfed drylands
Innovation in relay intercropping of chickpeas into the existing farmer's practice of lentil production system showed it is possible to harvest two crops with the use of appropriate crops and varieties, planting techniques, and water management. This ...Read more >>

Projects 6
Al-Jabaly Farms
Al-Jabaly company, established in the 1970s as a family business, is considered one of the biggest companies, farmers and exporters in the field of agriculture in Jordan. It is an authorized distributor of agricultural inputs such as seeds, ...Read more >>

Publications 257
FAO Achievements in Libya : FAO representation in Libya
Libya has been a member of FAO since 24 November 1953. However, the FAO Office in Libya was not established until September 2002. Its mission conforms to the mandate of the mother organization in providing technical assistance, through various ...Read more >>

Legislations 9
Republic of Iraq has validated the partnership agreement between Republic of Iraq and European union members
The Partnership and Cooperation Agreement between the European Union and Iraq is the first contractual relationship between the two countries. As such, it highlights the long-term involvement of the European Union in establishing a legal framework ...Read more >>