Animal Welfare
Good practices 13
Jiddo Swailem Factory
1- Sesame peel, a by-product of the manufacturing process, has a protein level of 30 percent, making it a highly-nutritious animal food. The factory aims to reduce waste by re-purposing discarded sesame peel as animal fodder
2- The establishment's ...
Publications 122
Welfare and meat quality of lambs
Recently, in many parts of the world, greater importance has been given to lamb meat as well as to the intensive production of lamb and sheep, due to demand for this type of meat at affordable prices. In Serbia, similar to most European countries, the ...Read more >>
Legislations 12
Law of 1965 on prevention of contagious and epidemic animal diseases
This law consists of 27 articles. The purpose of this Act is to contribute to the development of the livestock industry and to improvements in public health by preventing the outbreak or spread of contagious animal diseases. Read more >>