Clean Water And Sanitation

Good practices 8
PROMOTING HORTICULTURE BY INTRODUCING FARM-LEVEL CULTIVATION IMPROVEMENTS Best practices and lessons learned from an RVO pilot project in Jordan
A) 800 (=80 pilot + 720 scaling) farmers improved productivity, produce quality and market conformity and reduced the relative production cost and water use (50%/30% pilot farmers; 25%/ 15% scaling farmers).
B) Strategic plan that outlines the ...

Publications 16
Evolution des précurseurs des sous produits de la chloration et modélisation de la formation des Trihalométhanes dans les réseaux d'eau potable
The objectives of this study were to spatiotemporally characterize the formation of trihalomethanes (THMs) and their precursors as well as to model their formation in the drinking water supply network of greater Tunis. In order to achieve these ...Read more >>

Legislations 6
Arrêté nº 136-96 portant création et organisation du comité de pilotage du programme de développement intégré de l'agriculture irriguée en Mauritanie
This order establishes and organizes the steering committee of the integrated development program for irrigated agriculture in Mauritania. Read more >>