Water Supply

Good practices [1]
Rehabilitation of a drainage system through the mobilization of farmers
The maintenance of 17 km of drains in 2 years, clogged for several years by reeds, vegetable and household waste, has encouraged several farmers to resume their activities. The importance and impact of this initiative were illustrated by the strong ...Read more >>

Publications [1]
Impact of small-holder irrigation on the agricultural production, food supply and economic prosperity of a representative village beside the Senegal River, Mauritania
A considerable effort to rehabilitate and extend degraded irrigation schemes is taking place along the Mauritanian side in the Senegal River Valley. To increase understanding of the effects of these activities on the population, a model was used to ...Read more >>

Legislations [2]
The regulation for organizing the water and sanitation facility.
This Regulation consisting of 16 articles aims at organizing the water and sanitation facility within the administrative borders of the Municipalities. It establishes that (i) the Municipality undertakes the construction, maintenance and management ...Read more >>