Knowledge hub / Projects


Agroforestry for Food Security


Agroforestry for Food Security project is a short-term labor intensive project essentially aiming at creating short-term employment opportunities in the agricultural sector for vulnerable participants to ensure baselines of food securities in the vulnerable regions of Akkar, Jbeil and Rashaya clusters. The project establishes 3 main pillar activities: i) 5 Agroforestry sites, designed and implemented to integrate food security elements;  ii)  Support for small to medium farmers, by providing farmers with labor support to enhance their productivity, decrease production cost and hence improve their food security; iii) Agricultural surveys scanning the 3 clusters of Akkar, Jbeil and Rashaya to assess their food security levels and define priority interventions through Agroforestry. By the end of the project, outcomes would account for: 5 AFS sites implemented, 3 AFS directive guidelines developed for the 3 clusters, 400 small to medium farmers supported, and more than 356 men and women, Lebanese and Syrian workers benefiting from a small income-generating opportunity.

Agroforestry for Food Security
Jan 2020 - Jan 2022
Main Partner
  • Lebanon Reforestation Initiative - USAID
  • UNDP

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