Knowledge hub / Legislation


Décret °2019-079 du 30 Avril 2019 portant création d'un établissement public dénommé Centre National de Lutte Antiacridienne et Anti aviaire (CNLAA)


National | 2019 | #079 |


This decree establishes a public institution called the National Centre for Locust and Bird Control, whose main mission is to monitor and control the Desert Locust and granivorous birds throughout the national territory. The decree establishes the functions of the Centre for this purpose. This is followed by a description of the composition, functioning and powers of its Board of Directors as well as the subjects on which it deliberates. The Board of Directors is assisted by an advisory body called the Scientific and Technical Council of the National Centre for Locust and Avian Control, composed of scientific personalities, known for their competence and commitment in the fields of locust and avian control. The executive body of the National Centre for Locust and Avian Control comprises a Director assisted by an Accounting Officer, whose functions are described below. Also the means of financing the Centre are detailed by the decree.


Life on Land