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Monitoring And Surveillance Of Plant Pests

Grafic Separator

Publications [19]

Tracking hop stunt viroid infection in apricot trees during a whole year by non-isotopic tissue printing hybridisation

Hop stunt viroid (HSVd) is the viroid with the broadest host range known so far. In some hosts, such as grapevine and apricot, the infection seems to be latent. In other species, HSVd is found associated with disorders of serious economic importance ...Read more >>

Tracking hop stunt viroid infection in apricot trees during a whole year by non-isotopic tissue printing hybridisation

Responsible Consumption and Production

Grafic Separator

Legislations [4]

Décret °2019-079 du 30 Avril 2019 portant création d'un établissement public dénommé Centre National de Lutte Antiacridienne et Anti aviaire (CNLAA)


This decree establishes a public institution called the National Centre for Locust and Bird Control, whose main mission is to monitor and control the Desert Locust and granivorous birds throughout the national territory. The decree establishes the ...Read more >>

Décret °2019-079 du 30 Avril 2019 portant création d'un établissement public dénommé Centre National de Lutte Antiacridienne et Anti aviaire (CNLAA)

Life on Land