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Grafic Separator

Good practices [6]

Evaluating Impact and Building Capacity


Developed the Monitoring Agricultural Projects (MAP) in Egypt website (https://mapegypt.org), MAP Egypt, a digital mapping and knowledge management tool for the GOE and trained Ministry of Land and Agriculture and Land Reclamation staff to maintain ...Read more >>

Evaluating Impact and Building Capacity

Zero Hunger
Partnerships to achieve the Goal

Grafic Separator

Projects [1]

Promoting Resilience in Desert Environments


The objectives of the project are: a) to build the resilience of poor rural households to the harsh climate conditions in the Matrouh Governorate by improving their productive capacities; b) to assist communities to enhance the productive potential of ...Read more >>

Promoting Resilience in Desert Environments

No Poverty
Gender Equality

Grafic Separator

Publications [302]

Actividad física, dieta mediterránea, capacidad aeróbica y clima motivacional hacia el deporte en escolares de la provincia de granada: un modelo de ecuaciones estructurales

La etapa escolar representa un periodo de riesgo en el desarrollo de hábitos como el ocio digital sedentario, que favorece patologías futuras como la obesidad. La práctica de actividad física (AF) y el nivel de adherencia a la dieta mediterránea (DM) ...Read more >>

Actividad física, dieta mediterránea, capacidad aeróbica y clima motivacional hacia el deporte en escolares de la provincia de granada: un modelo de ecuaciones estructurales

Life on Land
Responsible Consumption and Production

Grafic Separator

Legislations [3]

Arrête conjoint n° 2905 du 21 novembre 2006 relatif aux critères microbiologiques, chimiques et bios toxines marines applicables aux mollusques bivalves vivants et aux produits de la pêche et les méthodes d'analyse à utiliser


In application of article 4 of decree n° 94-030 of 8 March 1994 relating to hygiene and health standards and to the conditions of sanitary inspection and control governing the production and marketing of fishery products, the purpose of the present ...Read more >>

Arrête conjoint n° 2905 du 21 novembre 2006 relatif aux critères microbiologiques, chimiques et bios toxines marines applicables aux mollusques bivalves vivants et aux produits de la pêche et les méthodes d'analyse à utiliser

Zero Hunger