Feed by / Countries / Egypt


Grafic Separator

Good practices 12

Evaluating Impact and Building Capacity


Developed the Monitoring Agricultural Projects (MAP) in Egypt website (https://mapegypt.org), MAP Egypt, a digital mapping and knowledge management tool for the GOE and trained Ministry of Land and Agriculture and Land Reclamation staff to maintain ...Read more >>

Evaluating Impact and Building Capacity

Zero Hunger
Partnerships to achieve the Goal

Grafic Separator

Projects 3

Fostering Mediterranean fish assuring traceability and authenticity


One of the key components of Mediterranean diet is fish, which contributes to a healthy and balanced diet since it is rich in protein, vitamins and minerals. In addition, fishery provides an important income and trade opportunities in many coastal ...Read more >>

Fostering Mediterranean fish assuring traceability and authenticity

Responsible Consumption and Production
Life Below Water