Food Security

Good practices [11]
Food Blessed: Feeding the Hungry One Meal at a Time
Foodblessed has helped:
Feed more than 250 000 beneficiaries
Distributed 2000+ foodblessed Food Assistance Packages;
Solicited more than 1000 volunteers
Partnered with more than 300 foodblessed partners (food and non food companies alike) and ...Read more >>

Projects [1]
Al-Jabaly Farms
Al-Jabaly company, established in the 1970s as a family business, is considered one of the biggest companies, farmers and exporters in the field of agriculture in Jordan. It is an authorized distributor of agricultural inputs such as seeds, ...Read more >>

Publications [217]
Restoring land and soil health to ensure sustainable and resilient agriculture in the Near East and North Africa region: state of land and water resources for food and agriculture thematic paper
The report is part of a series of background papers prepared within the context of the development of the the Near East and North Africa Region of the State of Land and Water Resources for Food and Agriculture (SOLAW) in the Near East and North ...Read more >>

Legislations [11]
Instructions for considering objections to food control measures
These instructions aim to ensure that the objector verifies that the measures taken on food, whether imported, exported, or circulated locally, are in conformity with the approved and valid legislation and instructions, and that the decision taken is ...Read more >>