Feed by / Keywords / Transboundary pests and diseases

Transboundary Pests And Diseases

Grafic Separator

Publications [2]

Review article: Future prospects of biosecurity strategies in Egyptian fish farms

Earthen pond rearing system is the most prevalent type of aquaculture facilities in Egypt due to low construction costs. Such facilities are characterized by open nature which allows large numbers of imposing factors to interact with cultured fishes ...Read more >>

Review article: Future prospects of biosecurity strategies in Egyptian fish farms

Life Below Water

Grafic Separator

Legislations [2]

Arrêté n R-0031257 du 12 novembre 2002 fixant la liste des organismes de quarantaine


The present decree establishes the list of harmful organisms whose introduction into the national territory is prohibited if they occur in an isolated state or in plants, plant products or articles of regulation. These include cryptogams; harmful ...Read more >>

Arrêté n R-0031257 du 12 novembre 2002 fixant la liste des organismes de quarantaine

Life on Land