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Plant Health

Grafic Separator

Publications [41]

Virus free potatoes by tissue culture in Libya

A tissue culture experiment was carried out in Tripoli, Libya using the potato variety Mirka. The meristem-tip aseptically isolated on a modified Murashige and Skoog (M.S.) medium. Callus and multiple shoots were produced. Nodal cuttings were ...Read more >>

Virus free potatoes by tissue culture in Libya

Responsible Consumption and Production

Grafic Separator

Legislations [6]

Arrêté nº R-929 désignant la structure chargée de la réalisation des tests DHS et VAT en vue de l'inscription d'une variété au catalogue national des semences et plants


This order designates CNRADA as the structure responsible for carrying out DUS and VAT tests with a view to registering a variety in the national catalogue of seeds and plants. Read more >>

Arrêté nº R-929 désignant la structure chargée de la réalisation des tests DHS et VAT en vue de l'inscription d'une variété au catalogue national des semences et plants

Life on Land